Our SAT® English Power Review Course is a 3.5 hour pre-recorded course that covers the most fundamental English topics (for both Reading and Writing & Language) evaluated on the SAT® English Section. Upon registering, students will receive the video recording, the packet that goes alongside the course, as well as the course answer key. The packet is loaded with practice problems as well to ensure comprehension.


  • SAT® Writing & Language

    • Parts of Speech

      • Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Prepositions

    • Possession

      • Determining when possession is necessary and singular vs. plural

    • Clauses

      • Criteria for Independent vs. Dependent Clauses, punctuation to link the different combinations of clauses

    • Essential and Non-Essential Information

      • What makes information essential, what makes information non-essential, punctuating essential vs. non-essential

    • Colons and Single Dashes

      • Grammar involving colons and single dashes, function of colon, function of single dash

    • Pronouns

      • Pronoun homophones, pronoun point of view, pronoun question strategy

    • Combining Sentences

      • Rules for eliminating choices, what to prioritize

    • Formality

    • Introduction and Set-Up Questions

    • Revision Questions

  • SAT® Reading

    • Introduction

    • Spotting Wrong Answers

      • Strategies for removing answers that are typically incorrect

    • Paired Evidence Question Procedure

      • Our highly-effective strategy to approach paired evidence questions, which make up ~30% of reading questions

    • Reading annotation strategy for science / social science passages

      • What to circle / annotate while doing a reading passage

      • Two sample practice passages, with a guided annotation on one


Just English: $125

English & Math Bundle: $200



Our SAT® Math Power Review Course is a 3.5 hour pre-recorded course that covers the most fundamental math topics evaluated on the SAT® Math Section. Upon registering, students will receive the video recording, the packet that goes alongside the course, as well as the course answer key. The packet is loaded with practice problems as well to ensure comprehension.


  • Percentages

    • Word Problems, Tables, Percent Increase / Decrease, Consecutive Percentages, Percent Change

  • Rates

    • Unit Conversions, Rates with Identical & Differing Units, Degrees to Radians

  • Lines

    • Slope (direction, steepness, finding slope from two points, finding slope from a graph), y-intercepts, interpreting slope and y-intercept in word problems

  • Quadratics

    • Standard form (direction of opening, y-intercept), factored form, vertex form

  • Systems of Equations

    • Elimination, Substitution, Clever Tricks, Solutions to a System

  • Statistics

    • The Big 5 Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation), Histograms, The Median Position Formula, Box Plots, Table Probability, Surveys (Survey Generalization & Margin of Error)


Just Math: $125

Math & English Bundle: $200

*We also recommend supplementing the Math Power Review Course with our SAT Math Workbook here: https://www.amazon.com/B-S-SAT-Math-Joshua-Kariyev/dp/B09M5L78YB